Thursday, October 30, 2008

I dedicated this blog to those words that come in a quickened moment. Words that edify and give the light of understanding to difficult things. I pray for words like those to come, I pray for wisdom. I believe that He who answers prayer -does just that when I ask Him for the words. We have already discovered that there are many experiences in this life that are troubling to us. Many things that we are struggling within our selves to be able to reconcile to the standards of TRUTH, LIFE and HEALTH both emotionally and physically. Difficult things to bear which can, if not held up to the full gospel account, can become stumbling blocks and snares to our lives.

have very often found myself determined to face these 'hard things' head on, with fearlessness and (my best attempt at) unwavering faith, so as to earn the approval of my Lord, who gave everything so that I might become His beautiful and glorious Bride. See, the thing is that I don't know how to become that Bride, without His help! Not only am I ignorant of all of His magnificent ways... I am weak. His Word is my light and my strength. I want to share with anyone who is searching for answers or confirmation, that there IS a light in this present darkness... and His Name is Jesus Christ.

I look forward to the future of this blogspot, and all nteractions with you. Please feel free to comment. You may be the one who will impart wisdom to me in a Blink.
My hope is that you find joy and strength in your journey, and that you will find yourself leaving this place in a state of 'being' where you will always...
Be Encouraged